Take clene pork and boile it tendre. þenne hewe it small and bray it smal in a morter. take fyges and boile hem tendre in smale ale. and bray hem and tendre chese þerwith. þenne waisthe hem in water & þene lyes1 hem alle togider wit Ayrenn, þenne take powdour of pepper. or els powdour marchannt & ayrenn and a porcioun of safroun and salt. þenne take blank sugur. eyrenn & flour & make a past wit a roller, þene make þerof smale pelettes2. & fry hem broun in clene grece & set hem asyde. þenne make of þat ooþer deel3 of þat past long coffyns4 & do þat comade5 þerin. and close hem faire with a countoer6, & pynche hem smale about. þanne kyt aboue foure oþer sex wayes, þanne take euy7 of þat kuttyng up, & þenne colour it wit zolkes of Ayrenn, and plannt hem thick, into the flaumpeyns above þat þou kuttest hem & set hem in an ovene and lat hem bake eselich8. and þanne serue hem forth.

Excerpt from The Forme of Cury: A Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled, about A.D. 1390 by Samuel Pegge.

  1. lyer. mix. 

  2. Pelettes. Pelotys Ms. Ed. No. 16. Balls, pellets, from Fr. pelote

  3. deel. deal, i.e. part, half. 

  4. Coffyns. Pies without lids. 

  5. comade. Qu. 

  6. coutour. coverture, a lid. 

  7. euy. every. 

  8. eselich. easily, gently.